Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day Five - Shopping!

We arrived last evening at our lovely hotel, the Patria, in Strbske Pleso.  It overlooks a quaint lake and the mountains surround it.  It is heaven on earth!

This morning we arose early and had our breakfast here in the hotel.  I ran into Stefan, one of the waiters in the restaurant who I have known since my first trip here.  It's so fun to see him every time!

We all took a hike around the lake and enjoyed the beauty of the area even though it was foggy and overcast.

We then climbed into our Mercedes Benz van (don't think we're riding in's one of the most uncomfortable cars I've ever ridden in and is very plain on the inside) and headed off to Zakopane, Poland for some shopping.  Zakopane is about a half an hour as the crow flies...trouble is there seems to be this mountain range in between us so in actuality it takes almost two hours to get there.  Not a problem however as the scenery is some of the most beautiful I have ever seen.  Narrow winding roads meander through small towns with towering trees and looming mountaintops!  The leaves are not quite at peak but still beautiful.

We arrived in Zakopane and had a delicious meal at a local restaurant that serves traditional Goral grilled meats.

Something that is popular here (and evidently elsewhere in the world) is the custom of hanging a padlock onto a fence.  The padlock has the names of two lovers written on it thus ensuring their everlasting love.

Here are a few photos of the town of Zakopane.  It is know for its shopping.  There is store after store...some Western shops (not the cowboy kind), some local shops and lots and lots of trashy souvenirs.  It makes for great people watching.  Denise get the prize for scoring the most bargains...but then for anyone that knows her this is no surprise!

Another beautiful drive back to the hotel afterwards and we then made plans for dinner.  A few of us are feeling a little under the weather and chose to stay at the hotel and eat a light meal.  The rest of the group ventured part-way around the lake to the Koliba restaurant for yet another traditional meal. We all met afterwards in the bar for our traditional nightcap and to talk about the events of the day.

Tomorrow we head out early to Oswiencim, Poland...better known as Auschwitz.  We will tour the concentration camp there and at Birkenau before heading to Krakow.
Until then...

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