Saturday, October 4, 2014

What Day Is It? I'm Beginning To

We left Krakow early this morning but not before the "medical convention" across the street from our hotel lured Dennis & Michelle in.

The countryside going from Poland to Eastern Slovakia is breathtaking to say the least.  The autumnal colors are almost at their peak.  Because it was a little dreary today they did not look their best however once we arrived in Slovakia the sun came out again.  I will try and post some colorful leaf photos in the next few days.  In the meantime here is a photo taken out of the car (hence the slight blurriness) of a group of sheep on a hillside.  As my grandfather was a shepherd they are near and dear to my heart.

We arrived in Bardejov in the early afternoon, quickly settled in and headed out for our first meal here.

We were then privileged to witness a Rusyn wedding at the Bardejov Skansen in one of the old wooden churches.

After the wedding was over I drove everyone through our villages for a quick peek at them.  Of course we had to stop at the Krcma in Stebnik for a drink!  The bartender turned out to be a Felegy that was related to Denise and Deb!

We returned back to the pension, changed from our wedding clothes into something more comfortable and headed back to the Centrum for dinner.  No pictures available.  One of the highlights of the evening was when I ordered a glass of red wine and received a bottle instead!  No...I did not drink the whole thing!

Tomorrow we will attend our respective church services and then drive to the small Rusyn village of Tichy Potok for a traditional meal and presentation by their women's folk singing group.

Until then...

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