Friday, October 3, 2014

Day Seven - What a Fun Day!!!

Today was the first day we actually slept in...7:00 am!  A leisurely breakfast and then we were off exploring Krakow.

In the morning we toured the Underground Museum.  What started out as a six month archaeological project ended up taking five plus years...and the work still continues.  The museum is actually underneath Cloth Hall for those of you that are familiar with Krakow.

The group then split up for lunch and the afternoon.  Denise & Deb went on a shopping spree.  The rest of us had a walking tour of the old town area of Krakow.  It is such an incredibly beautiful city!

Here are just a few of the photos I took.

The beautiful Cathedral on Wawel Hill

Fall has arrived here!

Scenic landscape

One of the churches

The window from where Pope John Paul II greeted the crowds

After our tour was finished we headed to the Camelot Restaurant.  I have tried to get in here twice before with no luck but evidently three times is the charm!  Our charming tour guide, Ewa, introduced us to their specialty...a lovely warm cherry wine with cherries inside the glass.  It was much needed as by the end of the day the weather had turned quite chilly.

The restaurant proved to be a winner and a bonus was the private collection of Nikifor paintings.  He is a famous Rusyn artist who painted in the primitive style.  We hope to tour his museum tomorrow.

Our charming tour guide, Ewa, and Dennis (who wasn't really asleep)

After dinner entertainment!

After we said farewell to Ewa, we found a Jazz nightclub that was in an underground cavern.  Great band, great drinks and great fun.

Tomorrow we bid farewell to Krakow and head to our final destination of Bardejov in Slovakia where we will begin our family searches.  I for one, am really looking forward to returning.

Until then...

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