Friday, October 10, 2014

Day Fourteen - End of the Road!

Our last day in Slovakia held tearful goodbyes to our hosts, Vlado and Dorota.  We headed out on the road about 11:15 for Vienna.  I can't post any photos except a couple taken by Denise as I was driving.  I didn't think it prudent to take photos along the hairpin turns!

Our GPS was supposed to route us on the highway all the way to Vienna however it detoured us for some reason...supposedly a quicker route.  While the time was about the same as the highway it routed us through some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen!  We ventured up and down mountain hillsides through glorious autumn colors.  At some points it seemed as if the trees in front of us were going to fall down upon us.  I have never seen such spectacular scenery!

We arrived safely at our hotel inVienna and unloaded our luggage for the final time.  Michelle and I returned the rental car to the Vienna airport and bade farewell to Paul.  What an emotional experience for me....meeting my first cousin for the very first time!  He fit in well with the group and kept us laughing the entire trip with his British wit!

We took a shuttle service back to the hotel and met the rest of our group in the hotel restaurant for our final dinner.  A few beers later and we are now settled into our respective rooms.  Breakfast in the early morning, a shuttle to the airport and our flight home to our loved ones await us.

It has been an incredible journey with a wonderful group of people!  Thank you all!

Until the next trip...

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