Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day Six - Highs and Lows

We left  the Patria today amidst a small rainstorm with lots of low overhanging clouds.  It seemed fitting for our tour of Auschwitz.  Many of us had been there always it was a sombering reminder of the frailties of mankind.  Sadly we  don't seem to have learned from their mistakes.

I did not take any group photos today as I did not feel it was appropriate.

We left our tour of Auschwitz and headed towards Krakow...our final destination before visiting our ancestral villages.

The drive was smooth...until we actually got into Krakow.  The city was not bombed during WWII and therefore the infrastructure is not kind to automobile traffic.  We arrived safely and dropped everyone off at the hotel before taking our car to the 24 hour secured lot.  Once back at our hotel I could not open my new suitcase with the nifty TSA lock.  Thank goodness my cousin Paul has a knack for things mechanical and he was successfully able to open it.

About this time I was in dire need of a beer....first after trying to navigate the streets here and then secondly after the luggage fiasco.  We found a lovely Italian restaurant (yes we have OD'd on Eastern European ethnic food) and found the change of cuisine to be just what we needed.

A few wandered off afterwards in search of bargains while the rest of us strolled the square waiting to hear the famous trumpeter from the belltower.

An emotional day to say the least...tomorrow we will tour the Underground Museum and then have a walking tour of Krakow.

Until then...

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