Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day Four - Exhaustion!

Well..I think I finally tired them out....

This photo was taken shortly after we left Vienna this morning on our way to Strbske Pleso!  

We left our hotel in Bratislava early this morning and headed down the highway to our destination for the next two days, Strbske Pleso, high in the Tatra mountains.  The drive left the big city and as we got closer and closer to our destination each vista became more beautiful than the last one.  I'd love to show you a picture however I was driving and thought it was prudent NOT to take photos while I was commanding our vehicle.

We took two side trips along the way.  The first was to the village of Rajecka Lesna which is famous for their Slovak Bethlehem wood carving.  It is a large animated wood carving of Slovakia and the lives of Slovaks from Western Slovakia to Eastern Slovakia.  It took fifteen years to make and if you are every near Grove City, Pennsylvania you can see the same thing on a smaller scale.

Just down the road from here is the quaint village of Cicmany with it's decorated houses.

We arrived safely at our lovely hotel in the Tatras, unpacked quickly and enjoyed our buffet dinner and a few drinks in the bar laughing about our travels!  Everyone gets along so well and we all seem to be enjoying each other's company.

Today was a leisurely day which we all needed after two long days of sightseeing.  Tomorrow we will take a leisurely walk around the lovely lake that our hotel is on and then head to Zakopane, Poland for some shopping before heading to Auschwitz on Thursday.

Unti then...

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