Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day One - Bratislava, Luggage Mishaps & More

We all arrived safely in Bratislava...which is more than I can say for Dennis & Mary's luggage.  After waiting for what seemed an endless amount of time at the baggage carousel Dennis & Mary's suitcases were nowhere to be found.  We suspect they are somewhere in Amsterdam (the luggage...not Dennis & Mary).  Since we will be spending a few days here we are hopeful that they will arrive before our next destination guessed it...SHOPPING!!!

Our new friend Matt arrived from Connecticut and fits in quite well with the group.  Turns out we have a mutual friend in truly is a small world.  His limo driver forgot to pick him up this morning but luckily...and thanks to his mother...he made it to the airport in time.

I had a very tearful first-time meeting with my first cousin Paul who lives in London.  No one in our family knew he existed until a few months ago.  I found him quite by accident after having my DNA tested.  His sense of humor is second to none.  He looks so very much like his father, uncle and aunt. It's a very sad story but we were brought together for some reason.

So our trip begins....while waiting for the luggage we missed our connecting bus to Bratislava.  The next bus did not leave for two hours so we opted to take a taxi (or two).  After being quoted once price, we ended up paying for the driver's mistake of not being able to find our hotel in Bratislava and driving all over kingdom come.  Oh well...chalk it up to another European experience....the joys of travel in Slovakia!

We freshened up quickly and were met by Vlasta, my Slovak teacher who lives here.  She taught at Pitt and that is where we met five years ago.  She took us to a delightful restaurant called the Slovak Pub which features authentic Slovak food...and that it did!!!  Everyone's meals were quite tasty and I introduced the group to Hruskovice.  Not sure if they really liked it so I am questioning if they are true Rusnaks!!!  It will be old hat to them by the time we leave!!!

A leisurely stroll back to our hotel and we are calling an early night as we are all very tired travelers.  Tomorrow is a day tour of Bratislava and Devin Castle.  Hopefully the luggage will arrive.

Till then...Dobru Noc!

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