Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day Two - Luggage Has Arrived!!!

Thank goodness...Dennis & Mary's luggage arrived today.  They were quite happy to say the least!

We started out our morning early...breakfast at McDonald's. heard me (or read) right.  It's Sunday in Bratislava and not much is least at 7:00 am.   We opted to pass on the hotel breakfast for the outrageous sum of 18 Euros and headed to Mac & D's.

Our tour guide,Vlasta, met us at the hotel and we began our journey into the city...the old centrum to be exact.  Vlasta has lived here most of her life and knows the city like the back of her hand.  She took us across the centrum and back where we saw such places as Michael's Gate, the Presidential Palace, US Embassy and many other historic buildings.  We had a wonderful lunch at the Slang Cafe.  Plans were to have a short siesta before the rest of our trip...but as you know...the best laid plans....

Not enough time for a siesta so just a short break and then we took a bus to the Devin Castle.  I'd not been there before and I must say the view is exquisite.  After climbing to the top (yes, castles are always at the top of a big hill so the King can gaze out upon his kingdom) we saw the convergence of two rivers, the Morava and the Danube.  On one side is Austria, the other is Slovakia.  We heard about the sad tales of people trying to cross the narrow Morava River during the period of Communism and getting shot.  There is a memorial dedicated to over 400 of them.

After taking the bus back we headed to our dinner at a Czech restaurant famous for their duck.  Of course I had boar instead...should have had the duck!  The restaurant is attached to a brand new, very modern, upscale shopping center called Eurovea.  The exterior resembles a geosphere.  Along the Danube are many restaurants with seating both inside and outside.

As we made our way to the restaurant it was evident that something exciting was going on in the square.  Turns out it was the UEFA Champions League Cup on tour.  If you know anything about soccer you will know that this is a big deal.

We had a lovely dinner topped off with a shot of Bier Palinka.  Basically Beer Slivovice...quite an interesting taste I might say!!!

We are up very early in the morning to catch our train to Budapest.  I am very excited to visit this city which I have never been to but the photos look incredibly gorgeous!  We will be spending the day there before leaving Bratislava on Tuesday.

I've managed to buy a card reader for my SD camera card so I will leave you with a few photos...

Farewell from:

Photo of a t-shirt in the restaurant where we ate last BRA-tislava.  someone has a clever imagination!

St. Martin's Church where the former Kings and Queens of the Hungarian Empire were crowned.

The Presidential Palace

                                                          Interesting mosaic tile roof

                                                      Diane and her new friend Chumil

                                                 Denny & Mary at the top of Devin Castle

                                                                Part of Devin Castle

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